Thursday 23 February 2012

All good things...

So our South East Asian tour is drawing to a close. We landed in Singapore in what seems like a lifetime ago, played in Malaysia as well as 7 dates in Indonesia (was supposed to be 8 but the cops shut down the Sumeoang show) and we arrived in Kina Balu Borneo late last night, we have 3 more shows before heading back home to the monoteny of normal life... we have had an amazing time, met so many great people, got the infamous stomach bug, seen more amazing bands than I can count and lots more than I can remember right now. Thankyou so much everyone!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Upcoming tour release

Its been a long time coming but we have a new release coming out in time for our upcoming tour of South East Asia. "Video Nasty III" is a tape release featuring 4 new songs, the South East Asian version will also contain a previously unreleased recording of songs recorded at brain studios and our two previous demo's which are available to download on this blog. Go fourth and thrash...